Sunday, August 27, 2017

How Not to Waste A Day?

I am a very big fan of the personal development thing. They tell us to make the best use of our time. Make your every second count. Spend your time for something worthwhile. Give time to the things you value most, regularly, consistently. But, what I do is the opposite. I think I’ve become an expert in doing the opposite. I’m consistently spending my time by doing the least productive thing possible.

My contractual job is BUBT finished on May 31 this year. Before that, I thought it’s the regular works for which it is not becoming possible for me to do something fruitful. But, now, when I’ve nothing to do, no class, no deadline, no pressure, I’m doing nothing. On May 31, I thought this is Ramadam. Let’s start my good day from July 1 after Eid. On June 30, I was very motivated to start a good day on July 1. I’ve planned to wake up at 5, go for morning walk, read something and do other good things. I thought I will ace that.

Okay, you know, it didn’t turn out as planned. I probably woke up around 9.00am. Sun was up and I was in my bed. I thought this is not a good time to go for a morning walk. I left the bed, washed my face, and ate my breakfast with bread, egg, and tea. Then, I went to the table. I thought I should read something of value now.

I took the book “The Idea of Justice” by Nobel Laureate Amartya Sen. I was waiting for a long time to read this one. I started reading and after 1 page, I didn’t find myself motivated to read another page. Another thought came in my mind. Let’s check the internet thing. What is going on around me?  I logged into Facebook and started scrolling the timeline.

Many interested things were happening. One friend cracked an egg on his forehead, some had shared their old pictures. Oh! That’s interesting. A cat is sleeping. Please click for more. I clicked and I was directed to YouTube. I watched the cat video. Then, I went to the home page and many videos showed up. There were Ellen Show, OWN TV, True Tv, and many more things. Those looked interesting too. So, I thought, I should not miss those. I started watching and watched till 1.00pm.

After that I took my shower, did my prayer, and had my lunch. I ate a lot, so, I was feeling little drowse after lunch. I thought I would take a nap. I set an alarm for 20 minutes. This is a good time for power nap. But, 20 minutes turned into 3 hours. I don’t know how. After that, I did my prayer and took snacks.

Evening is the best time to find people online. So, I was again in Facebook and was there till 10.30pm when I was called for dinner. I took my dinner, watched TV and went back to my laptop after that. I started a group chat with my friends. I talked, talked, and talked. I talked a lot. Not so much about good things. Rather time wasting things. And it was around 3.00am when I stopped and went for bed. That’s how my day turned into a pile of wasteful things. And, now, almost everyday is turning into one like this. If you want to be successful, make sure your days don’t look like my one. Have a good day! 

Sunday, January 1, 2017

My First Blog Post of 2017

Last 1st January I wrote a blog about my goals for 2016. But this year I don’t have any goals. So, this blog is not about my goals.  It is rather written to declare to myself that a new year has come. I don’t know that I will get from this year. But I am hopeful. I will keep writing blogs, reading books, loving people, experiencing dreams.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Nurturing Creativity in Our Drawing Class

This thought came into my mind when my sister told me to buy a box of color pencil for my nephew. Suddenly, I remembered about my childhood and playing with colors. I was never good at drawing and still I am not. But that is not my concern now. My concern is the “WHY” of drawing class? The purpose? I think the purpose of drawing class is to nurture creativity among the students. But is the drawing class fulfilling that purpose?

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Why Did No One Help Sanin Hasan?
Sanin Hasim (30)
Many may have seen this news. It is really shocking to know that when the miscreants left the place the rickshaw-puller asked for help to take Sanin Hasim to the nearest hospital but no one responded. You may say that those people lacked humanity. But this might not be the case. It may be because of “bystander problem”. 

This human behavior first came in media in 1964 when Kitty Genovese of New York was chased for half an hour and stabbed while 38 of her neighbors were watching. No one called the police. That incident led to the identification of a critical aspect of human behavior- How do people respond to an emergency situation? Numbers of researches have been conducted and the common conclusion was whether one will offer help in an emergency situation largely depends of the number of people witnessing the situation.

Friday, December 9, 2016

Book Review: The Little Book of Economics by Greg IP

As the name indicates this book is actually a little book of economics. Greg IP discusses about different macro-economic aspects in simple terms with 15 little chapters. One will not be an expert by studying this book but will get surface level idea on various issues of economics. He discusses about economic growth, economic cycle, inflation, unemployment, central banks, fiscal and monetary policies etc. This book is written in the US perspective but basic concept is applicable for every economy.

Long run growth of an economy depends on two factors i.e. population and productivity of an economy. Population determines the supply of workers and the growth of population is subjected to longevity of people, number of women in child-bearing age, number of babies per women, and migration of people from other countries. 

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Book Review: A Random Walk Down Wall Street

I found this book in a second hand book shop and the title seemed quite interesting to me. So, after a little bargain, I bought this book at a fair price. And, today, I’ve finished reading this book. Burton G. Malkiel in this book has discussed about the presence of efficiency in securities market and why it is more logical to say that market prices of securities move in a random order than predictable manner. My learning from this book is presented below.